Latest News
CPR Class
Join us for a CPR certification class on Thursday, February 23rd. This class will last approximately 2-2.5 hours and participants will receive their CPR certification through the American Heart Association upon completion. This class is being offered at a discounted price to residents of $20 per person. Please click on the photo above or the link below to register!

Wine Down Wednesday
Join us for an evening of yoga and wine! Wine Down Wednesday is a monthly class that will being on Wednesday, February 22nd and take place on the 4th Wednesday of each month in place of Cardio Fusion. Be on the lookout for reminder emails!
Sign up is not required.

Children's Pajama Jam
Bring your pajamas and join us for an evening of stories, games, and prizes! This storytime session is appropriate for ages 1+.
Sign up is not required.

Valentine's Couples Lunch
Saturday, February 11th | 11:00am-2:00pm
Club Palmetto
Join us for a Valentine's-themed couples lunch! Seating for this event can be accommodated for groups or individual tables for couples. After signing up, please send an email to to indicate your preferred seating accommodation.

Cardio Fusion Class
Wednesday, February 8th, 15th | 6:00-7:00pm
Club Palmetto
Join us for a Cardio Fusion fitness class! This class is a full body, Tabata style body pump workout utilizing functional training and compound movements. It can be modified as needed to suit all experience levels. Available workout mats are limited. Please bring a workout mat if you have one.
Sign up for this class is not required.

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