Hummingbird lecture by noted author and nature photographer

Mark Klym, coordinator of Texas Hummingbird Roundup and co-author of "Hummingbirds of Texas," shares the delight of gardening for hummingbirds at "Where Have All the Hummingbirds Gone?," at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 7, 2013 at McCullough Junior High School, 3800 S. Panther Creek Drive, The Woodlands.
By mid-March hummingbirds, on their northern migration, start appearing in our area to rest and refuel. In addition to the often-sighted ruby-throated hummingbird, many lesser known species also visit East Texas landscapes.
Luring hummingbirds to gardens is not difficult, Mr. Klym says. The greatest number and variety of birds are attracted by providing the right habitat. “It’s about more than red tubular flowers,” he says, referring to traditionally recommended nectar plants. Mr. Klym will reveal the latest research about essential shelter, water and food sources that will turn an ordinary landscape into a haven for hummingbirds.
Mr. Klym’s beautifully photographed presentation spotlights the charming behaviors of hummingbirds and features tips for selecting plants that meet their requirements for survival. Copies of Hummingbirds of Texas, co-authored by Mark Klym, will be available for purchase at the event. The free program is presented by The Woodlands Township with sponsorship by The Woodlands G.R.E.E.N., Waste Management and Hilton Garden Inn.
Contact Details
Phone: 281 210-3800